Fulltone TTE Tape Echo New High Quality Aftermarket Rubber Roller

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Fulltone TTE Tape Echo New High Quality Aftermarket Rubber Roller

Fulltone TTE Tape Echo New High Quality Aftermarket Rubber Roller

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1 x Replacement Rubber Pinch Roller for the Fulltone TTE Tape Echo units. This is not an original part but is a high quality replacement part.

I have had lots request for these so have made them available as a user replacement part.

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Please Note: These items are shipped from Australia and Import duties / fees are the responsibility of the buyer. Make sure that you are familiar with your country's customs, taxes and importing laws.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Kevin M.
Life Saver!

I love my Fulltone Tape Tube Echo and am so grateful that Echo Fix now provides quality spares to keep it running well!
Unbelievable delivery speed to England. Thank you so much.
Kevin McCormick

Herbert G.I.
Quality aftermarket part and service!

I own both Fulltone Tape Echoes (TTE & SSTE) and like all tape machines they require routine care and maintenance . I also own (and absolutely love) an Echo Fix EF-X2. Anyway, Echo Fix is the industry leader when it comes to the manufacturing and sale of replacement parts for all the tube echos But what really stands out is their Customer Service! I had ordered some tape replacement spools along with a capstan. When I only received a partial order, they not only addressed it quickly, but they sent an additional spool. They say it’s “the little things that count. Well, those little things also make extremely loyal customers. Im proud to count myself as one of them.

joseph f.
tape roller

Great Replacement!