Roland RE-501 / SRE-555 Electrolytic Capacitor Re-Cap Kit

Roland RE-501 / SRE-555 Electrolytic Capacitor Re-Cap Kit
Roland RE-501 / SRE-555 Electrolytic Capacitor re-cap kit.
The Roland RE-501 and SRE-555 are now at an age where the electrolytic capacitors are failing and need to be replaced. This kit has all the electrolytic capacitors needed for a re-cap job.
Note: There may be some capacitor values left over as we supply the capacitors to suit all the PCB changes that happened during production of these units. Also it is recommended to have this done via a qualified tech (No instructions included with this sale).
Express DHL Shipping (3-5 business day delivery with tracking number)
Please Note: These items are shipped from Australia and Import duties / fees are the responsibility of the buyer. Make sure that you are familiar with your country's customs, taxes and importing laws.